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Nutmegs are the seeds of Myristica fragrans from the family of the Myristicaceae in apricot-similar fruits, which grow on Java and in West India. This well-known spice is normally used for cooking. However, in high doses it can have a psychotoxic effect and may be therefor abused as a natural drug.

The most important flavor materials are the alkaloids Myristicin, Elemicin and Safrol. Particularly Myristicin resembles in its chemical structure to hallucinogens, e.g. Mescaline. Safrol is related to MDA, Myristicin to MDMA.

The physiological effect exists in the inhibition of the dismantling of the biogenous amines and neurotransmitters (MAO Inhibitor). As psychological effect appears with high dosage halluzinogenic effects, e.g. a kind of trance, illusions and hallucinations. Also a detachment of the spirit from the body is described.

For a spice, the nutmeg has high "therapeutic width", with the abuse as natural drug in high doses it can come, however, to toxic effects likely observed along the nightshade plants. In acute intoxications disorientation and illusionful hallucinations with paranoide colouring will be observed. As physical aftereffects, heavy fear accumulations with tachycardy, along with strong headache, mouth dryness and expressed disease feelings are described.

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