German Version

(1RS,2RS)-2-Amino-1-phenylpropan-1-ole, C9H13NO, M=151.21 g/mol. The (1S,2S)-Isomer is called Cathine.

Cathine ist a scheduled (S2) substance, used as anorexigenic (class A.11.3).

Trade Marks: Dietene Diffucaps, Eetless Capsules, Nobese No.1 Diffucaps, Thinz capsules.

Cathine develops when drying Kath sheets from the Cathinon contained in it. Falsely it was thought to be the active substance of Kath.

As stimulant, Cathine is included in the doping list of the IOC if a limit value of more than 5 µg/ml in the urine is exceeded.

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